The Timpanogos Special Service District (TSSD) is designing additional sewer infrastructure in Lehi and American Fork to increase capacity in response to recent growth in northern Utah County. The TSSD Westside Collections Improvements project contains several improvements:
Part 1 – Sewer Line
This project will construct a new, 78-inch pipeline between the new Westside Interceptor line in Lehi to a new pump station in American Fork. The 78-inch line will parallel the current 60-inch line, and both lines will be active.
Part 2 – Boat Harbor Pump Station
This project is constructing a new pump station near the American Fork Marina, which will allow TSSD to transport sewage east to the treatment facility. It will replace the pump station located at 100 West 1500 South. A primary feature of the pump station will be an odor control system designed to capture and treat odorous air before it is released.
Part 3 – Boat Harbor Force Mains
This project will provide a connection from the new pump station to the TSSD treatment plant in American Fork and includes two new 54-inch pipelines from the Boat Harbor Pump Station site to the treatment plant along 1700 South Street.
Click here to download the Nov. 7 Stakeholder Meeting Presentation
The project is expected to be in the design phase through 2026.
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For questions about the project, email info@TSSDWCI.com or call 385-446-8887.
CONTACT USHOTLINE: 385-446-8887 EMAIL: info@TSSDWCI.com WEBSITE: https://timpssd.org/wci